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"Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails"

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Once you’ve finished reading it, we encourage you to check out some of our blogs that explore more on the topic of fungal nails and laser therapy.

Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Wichita, KS, office directly. You can use the contact forms here on our website or call The Kansas Foot Center at (866) 222-5177.

Importance of Proper Shoe Gear

Importance of Proper Shoe Gear

Shoes play a vital role when it comes to your feet. You wear shoes every day, and for long hours of the day sometimes. It’s important that you are wearing shoes that are going to provide you the comfort that you need, and the support.   Are you buying the...

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Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete's foot is most commonly caused by walking in damp areas. It also can be highly contagious. Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the skin, usually found in between the toes. However, the infection can spread and cause significant discomfort, itching, and...

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Washing Your Feet

Washing Your Feet

Wash, wash! I know this may sound silly and a simple task, but you will be surprised at how often people forget to focus on their feet while showering! Meaning getting in between those toes and scrubbing anything you might’ve collected with your feet throughout the...

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