Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails

Laser Treatment for Fungal Nails

Toenail fungus can be an embarrassing and unsightly condition. Although the condition is fairly common (much more than you’d think) and usually not medically serious, it can be quite a source of self-consciousness and angst.

Until recently, it could also be pretty stubborn, too—highly resistant to treatment and tough to eradicate. Fortunately, modern technology is changing the game. Noveon Laser therapy from the Kansas Foot Center is the best way to get your healthy nails back, and it’s not close.

For more information on fungal toenails in general, please review our fungal nail service page.

Why Laser?

Traditional treatment for fungal toenails involved a combination of oral and topical antifungal medications. This method, unfortunately, came with a lot of drawbacks.

Oral medications in particular had to be quite strong to have an effect, and as a result could produce some nasty side effects—rashes, nausea, even severe liver problems. Treatment courses ran 6 to 12 weeks, and the ultimate success rate was middling at best, especially for those older than 65. A large part of the problem is that blood flow to the toes is already quite low (and even more so if you have PAD or diabetes), meaning oral antifungals worked very slowly (if at all).

Topical medications, too, had trouble penetrating the nail to get at the fungus underneath. Often times the entire nail would have to be removed, and there was no guarantee it would grow back healthy.

Laser treatment has completely changed the game. These FDA-approved devices are 100% safe, completely pain free, have no known side effects, and are far more effective in the long run than older methods—a recent study showed that 95% of patients who received laser therapy showed marked improvement in the clarity of their nails.

How Laser Therapy Works

The laser we use in our office uses focused beams of light—not heat—that are carefully restricted to two particular wavelengths: 870nm and 930nm. At these wavelengths, the light passes through the nail and targets the fungus and bacteria underneath, killing the microorganisms that cause yellow, thickened, damaged toenails without harming or otherwise disturbing the surrounding cells.

The treatment sessions are quite brief, usually on 15 minutes and almost always less than 30. The total number of sessions required during a treatment course may vary depending on the number of toes affected and the severity of the infection, but many patients see significant improvement in as little as 2-3 sessions.

No side effects are known. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort, and laser therapy won’t keep you off your feet or affect your ability to engage in activity in any way. When we’re done, you walk out the door with no downtime.

After Your Procedure

Although you may start to see some clearing of the nail after just a few treatments, it’s important to remember that eliminating the fungus is only the first step toward getting your beautiful nails back. If your toenail has been warped or damaged, you’ll still have to wait for it to grow out as new, healthy nail grows in to replace it. This might take 6-12 months depending on how fast or slow your nails grow, but for those struggling with fungal nails for years, it’s welcome relief.

Love your nails image

Don’t wait until sandal weather to get your healthy nails back. If you’re sick of your yellowed, thickened, ugly toenails—especially if you’ve tried other treatments and found them lacking—make a call to the Kansas Foot Center today and see if the Noveon fungal nail laser treatment is right for you. Give us a call at 866.222.5177 today, or request an appointment online via our contact form.

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