
Today, the osteotomy surgical procedure is the most common bunion corrective method being used by podiatrists. This procedure cuts and realigns part of the bone across a single plain. Unfortunately, it falls short of repairing the rotation of the metatarsal bone and/or any underlying instability the patient may have in their joint. Therefore, the osteotomy method can only partially correct the issue, leaving room for the condition to return in the future.

For decades, medical professionals around the globe have relied on evasive and fairly ineffective surgeries – like osteotomies – to repair bunions by shaving off the bump or by cutting and shifting the bones to create the appearance of said bump being gone – when in reality, it is not.

None of these procedures actually fully address the root of the bunion problem. Instead, it serves as a masking mechanism which, more often than not, is temporary.

No more!


Lapiplasty – the New and Improved Method to Correct Bunions

Dr. Thomas D. Truong is now providing more practical approaches for bunion correction. We introduce to you the Lapiplasty.

The Lapiplasty is the most advanced treatment option available for bunion correction, today. Using a state-of-the-art tool, the lapiplasty provides a three-dimensional solution to help repair painful bunion conditions.

The Lapiplasty tool allows podiatrists to realign the bone altogether – whether it be from side to side, up and down, or rotationally – placing it back to its natural position and, only then, cutting it according to the anatomy of the patient. This is all done consequentially, eliminating free-hand variability. So now surgeons are able to gage the perfect angle for correction before making permanent alterations.

Next, to stabilize the area and keep it from relocating, titanium plates are secured to the metatarsals, drastically reducing the chance of a recurring bunion.

Recovering from the Lapiplasty method is also substantially easier and less painful in comparison to other procedures. In most cases, the lapiplasty patients are able to resume their normal routines within days to weeks of the surgery, rather than the normal recovery time of weeks to months associated with the more evasive surgical procedures. This procedure also is effective for the long haul. Less than 10% of lapiplasty patients need another procedure, as opposed to 30%-78% of traditional bunion cases.

Does this sound too good to be true? Check out these jaw dropping testimonials for yourself!


 When to Consider Lapiplasty

Here are some factors you should take into consideration when deciding if the Lapiplasty surgical procedure is right for you:

  • Does the joint deformity prevent you from enjoying your favorite shoes?
  • Does the joint deformity cause you severe pain?
  • Does the joint deformity cause you to have difficulty standing, walking, and/or running?
  • Do you often experience numbness in your big toe and/or ball of your foot?
  • Have you already tried other methods of treatment with no significant result?
  • Is the deformity progressively getting worse?

If you have responded positive to one or more of these questions, it may be a good idea to contact a podiatrist in order to determine if the Lapiplasty surgical procedure is the best option for you.

Ready to Fix Your Bunion? Get in Touch with Us!

You can contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment at any of our offices located in Kansas by calling (316) 283-4330. Our trained staff will be happy to answer any of your questions. You can also request an appointment online with our Wichita or Newton offices!