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"Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails"

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Once you’ve finished reading it, we encourage you to check out some of our blogs that explore more on the topic of fungal nails and laser therapy.

Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Wichita, KS, office directly. You can use the contact forms here on our website or call The Kansas Foot Center at (866) 222-5177.

There are a lot of misconceptions out there regarding orthotics.  Some people think they’re only for older adults with decades of wear and tear on their feet. Not true! Orthotics are frequently used to help children, athletes, and adults of all...

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How does Neuropathy effect Diabetics?

How does Neuropathy effect Diabetics?

Have you ever seen the term neuropathy and wondered what it meant, or have been told you have it and still wonder what it is? Well here’s the blog for you. Neuropathy is any diseased condition or malfunction of the nervous system that damages...

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Myth or Fact?

Myth or Fact?

It’s best to go barefoot.. Although this is probably comfortable for most, this is a MYTH! I know, bummer. But when you think about it, walking around barefoot means those lovely feet are being exposed to what may be on the ground.  That is one way to contact fungus,...

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