How to Keep Ingrown Toenails From Ruining Your Summer Fun!

How to Keep Ingrown Toenails From Ruining Your Summer Fun!

Ahh, summer. Afternoons by the pool. Going out for a run at dawn or dusk, when the air is a little cooler. Joining your friends or co-workers for a quick game of kickball or soccer. Who doesn’t love this time of year? That’s a rhetorical question, but we’ll answer it...
Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is most commonly caused by walking in damp areas. It also can be highly contagious. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin, usually found in between the toes. However, the infection can spread and cause significant discomfort,...
Do You Get Cracked Feet in Winter? Prep Now!

Do You Get Cracked Feet in Winter? Prep Now!

A reason to be grateful we live in Kansas? We don’t get the types of winters that a Sheboygan or a Buffalo gets. We tend to measure snowfall in inches, not feet. Temperatures tend to drop to “Oh, it’s somewhat cold.” and not “Oh, I’ve never seen that...
Tips for Reviving Dry Feet

Tips for Reviving Dry Feet

Scientists estimate that the human body is roughly 70% water. Combine that with the fact that all of the essential physical functions—digestion, breathing, muscle movement—require this valuable resource and it is easy to understand the importance of adequate...
Your Options for Ingrown Toenails

Your Options for Ingrown Toenails

People like having choices. From menu options to car models to clothing styles, it’s helpful to be able to choose what fits you and your needs best. For some medical issues, including toe problems like ingrown nails, you have options as well. Different treatment...