From bones or tendons that crack or twist in a sudden instant, to dull aches that grow increasingly painful over time, foot and ankle injuries can throw a major wrench into your plans. At some point, you know you can’t keep going on—you need treatment if you’re ever...
Although we always say that foot pain is not normal—and it isn’t!—we’re also quite confident that pretty much everyone has experienced sore, achy feet at one point or another. A tough day of hiking, a long day on your feet at work, training for a new sport, or even...
Gravity, body weight, and impacts from walking, running, and jumping make a forceful combination. In fact, your feet have to absorb a much greater force from activity than you probably realize! When you take a step, walking at a comfortable pace, your feet absorb an...
Scientists estimate that the human body is roughly 70% water. Combine that with the fact that all of the essential physical functions—digestion, breathing, muscle movement—require this valuable resource and it is easy to understand the importance of adequate...
Full time work can really work your feet over, especially if you have to do a lot of standing or walking on the job. Between aircraft manufacturing, healthcare, and education (among others), there’s certainly no shortage of those kinds of jobs around Wichita!...