How to Keep Ingrown Toenails From Ruining Your Summer Fun!

How to Keep Ingrown Toenails From Ruining Your Summer Fun!

Ahh, summer. Afternoons by the pool. Going out for a run at dawn or dusk, when the air is a little cooler. Joining your friends or co-workers for a quick game of kickball or soccer. Who doesn’t love this time of year? That’s a rhetorical question, but we’ll answer it...
First Aid for Foot Trauma

First Aid for Foot Trauma

Foot and ankle traumas can happen on the basketball court, at the job site, or even after taking an awkward step off the curb or down the stairs. You can’t always predict when they’ll occur, but you can control your response. Quick-thinking first aid will help you...

There are a lot of misconceptions out there regarding orthotics.  Some people think they’re only for older adults with decades of wear and tear on their feet. Not true! Orthotics are frequently used to help children, athletes, and adults of all...
How does Neuropathy effect Diabetics?

How does Neuropathy effect Diabetics?

Have you ever seen the term neuropathy and wondered what it meant, or have been told you have it and still wonder what it is? Well here’s the blog for you. Neuropathy is any diseased condition or malfunction of the nervous system that damages...
First Aid for Foot Trauma

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is most commonly caused by walking in damp areas. It also can be highly contagious. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin, usually found in between the toes. However, the infection can spread and cause significant discomfort,...