When do I need to see a podiatrist?

There are many different reasons to come to our Wichita office and see one of our podiatrists. The most common is simply that you are experiencing foot or ankle pain or impaired functionality. This is appropriate because podiatrists are specialized foot doctors who have undergone extensive education and training in the field of podiatric medicine.

The services podiatrists provide can be preventive, conservative, or surgical. Preventive foot care is especially important for individuals who live with diabetes and need to give their feet special care and attention. Conservative treatment options do not involve invasive procedures and are effective for many foot and ankle issues. In some cases, though, surgery is needed to properly address an issue or correct a condition.

If you or a loved one is experiencing pain or difficulty from a foot or ankle issue, Kansas Foot Center is here to help. Our Wichita, Kansas office provides comprehensive foot care, so give us a call today at (866) 222-5177 to find out what we can do for you or to schedule an appointment.

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