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"Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails"

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Once you’ve finished reading it, we encourage you to check out some of our blogs that explore more on the topic of fungal nails and laser therapy.

Remember, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Wichita, KS, office directly. You can use the contact forms here on our website or call The Kansas Foot Center at (866) 222-5177.

We Have a New, Advanced Procedure for Bunions!

We Have a New, Advanced Procedure for Bunions!

When it comes to surgical treatment for a bunion, there is more than one way to approach it. Try more than 100! These procedures can range from removing the bump itself, to realigning the joint, to correcting the soft tissues around the joint. These are reasonable...

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Active Lifestyle Leads to Healthy Feet

Active Lifestyle Leads to Healthy Feet

The importance of staying physically active on your overall wellness is no big secret. When you think about the benefits of exercise, though, you may not think about benefits to your lower limbs. Sure, it’s easy to focus on weight loss and muscle definition, but do...

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