First Aid for Foot Trauma

First Aid for Foot Trauma

Foot and ankle traumas can happen on the basketball court, at the job site, or even after taking an awkward step off the curb or down the stairs. You can’t always predict when they’ll occur, but you can control your response. Quick-thinking first aid will help you...
Alternatives to Surgery for Foot Injuries

Alternatives to Surgery for Foot Injuries

From bones or tendons that crack or twist in a sudden instant, to dull aches that grow increasingly painful over time, foot and ankle injuries can throw a major wrench into your plans. At some point, you know you can’t keep going on—you need treatment if you’re...
Sports Injuries and the Sunflower Showdown

Sports Injuries and the Sunflower Showdown

Kansas vs. Kansas State. It’s a rivalry as heated as Tesla vs. Edison. Capt. Ahab vs. Moby Dick! Coke vs. Pepsi? In whatever light you see the clashes between our two big schools, the Sunflower Showdown is a spectacle that has lasted down through history. The rivalry...
Sports Equipment to Protect Foot and Ankles

Sports Equipment to Protect Foot and Ankles

Feet and ankles are probably the most vulnerable and often-injured body parts among athletes. When you stop and think about it, it makes pretty good sense why. The pressure. The weight of your entire body rests upon the feet and ankles. And when your feet strike the...
So You’ve Suffered a Sports Injury—Now What?

So You’ve Suffered a Sports Injury—Now What?

Oh no. Maybe it starts with a little twinge you feel in the back of your leg as you change directions on the tennis court. Or a giant yelp of pain after an awkward stumble on the soccer pitch twists and sprains your ankle. Of course, it doesn’t have to happen in...