Overindulging on hearty food is a tradition for many during the holiday season. Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing—we making your mouth water yet? While we’d never want to get in the way of you feasting on a good meal, you can definitely have too much of a...
What is pain? That’s not really an easy question to answer, but it has something to do with how and why your body responds to trauma. When something gets damaged—say you scrape your knee—it stimulates nerve endings, which sends signals back to the spinal cord and...
Neuropathy in the feet and ankles can be painful, disconcerting, and dangerous. Nerves are responsible for everything from relaying sensory information to the brain, to signaling muscles that it’s time to move, to regulating autonomic functions like blood pressure and...
It’s impossible to sum up laser therapy in just one word—things like “effective,” “awesome,” “advanced,” and “revolutionary” spring to mind. But if we had to pick one, versatile would make a pretty good candidate. That’s because the extensive, wide-ranging benefits of...
There are a lot of misconceptions out there about laser pain therapy. We get it! For starters, the technology is a little hard to grasp, and almost seems more like science fiction than a real medical device. Second, there are a lot of different medical lasers out...