Your Foot Care Checklist for 2019

Your Foot Care Checklist for 2019

A new year means an opportunity to take a fresh outlook, set some goals, heavily consider achieving them, and maybe actually setting forth to do it! Joking aside, having a good, reasonable goal can be an excellent opportunity to try something new and make strides...
What You Should Know (and What You Think You Know) About Pump Bump

What You Should Know (and What You Think You Know) About Pump Bump

We will admit that a lot of foot and ankle conditions aren’t very clear-cut based on name alone. “Neuroma” sounds like a Marvel villain, and “plantar fasciitis” sounds almost like something you’d put out to spruce up your landscaping. It’s no real surprise, then, when...
Sports Injuries and the Sunflower Showdown

Sports Injuries and the Sunflower Showdown

Kansas vs. Kansas State. It’s a rivalry as heated as Tesla vs. Edison. Capt. Ahab vs. Moby Dick! Coke vs. Pepsi? In whatever light you see the clashes between our two big schools, the Sunflower Showdown is a spectacle that has lasted down through history. The rivalry...
Family Friendly Exercises for Healthy Feet

Family Friendly Exercises for Healthy Feet

You might not think your kids listen to you as often as they should. But when it comes to you being an example for them, you might be rubbing off on them more than you think. Children frequently learn by watching and imitating their parents. In fact, psychology...
Do You Get Cracked Feet in Winter? Prep Now!

Do You Get Cracked Feet in Winter? Prep Now!

A reason to be grateful we live in Kansas? We don’t get the types of winters that a Sheboygan or a Buffalo gets. We tend to measure snowfall in inches, not feet. Temperatures tend to drop to “Oh, it’s somewhat cold.” and not “Oh, I’ve never seen that...